July 5 — Namban Rengo entered two teams in a unique (to us, anyway) event at a park in the Odaiba waterfront area, the Summer Festival 3-Hour Relay. The course was 1.85k loops. Team members ran loops in order, handing the sash off at the end of each loop, until 3 hours had elapsed. Our two teams were the Work Team (Fabian, Alan, Jay, Padraig, Jon, 5 loops each) and the Play Team (Jenene, Bob, Yukiko, Matthieu, Chika, Shiba, 4 loops each). It was a fun event despite the light on/off rain (actually better than blazing heat) and we did quite well: the Work team finished 3rd and the Play team 7th out of 110 teams! The Workers received the unusual prize of a very large bag of fireworks.